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Chester Methodist Preschool

For three decades, the Chester United Methodist Church has housed and sponsored this community preschool. Kids ages 3 to 5 can be enrolled during the school year.

Please contact Pastor Sue if you are interested in learning more, or visit our Facebook page by clicking the button below. 

Bible Studies

We currently offer Sunday morning  Adult Bible Study at 10:15 am following our 9am service.   For Spring of 2024 the theme is "Encounters in Prayer and Love"


We also have an ecumenical women's Bible study on Tuesday afternoons at 2pm.   We are studying, "Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible: Flawed Women Loved by a Flawless God" by Liz Curtis Higgs.


Please text Pastor Sue at (530) 419-9192 if you are interested in joining our group!

Food Ministry

Chester United Methodist Church partners with the Liberty County Community Food Pantry, housed in our church at 510 Monroe Avenue in Chester.

We provide canned, fresh and frozen food to our neighbors on every Wednesday from noon to 1pm. 


Boxes of traditional holiday treats may be requested at two weeks before Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, please stop in on Wednesday at noon!


Contact Pastor Sue if you would like to help stock shelves or donate food, too!

Young Adult Ministry

We are looking to start a group where young adults (18 to 40) in the Chester area can meet up, hang out, and have fun. Some potential events include: hiking in the Sweetgrass Hills, poetry slams and open-mic night, bowling in Rudyard, and spending the day at Tiber Dam.


Please reach out to Pastor Sue to learn more!

Pastoral Support

Would it help to talk? If you're feeling a little overwhelmed or stressed out, you are not alone. There is a lot going on in the world right now, and reaching out is your first step to helping yourself. Pastor Sue and others are here to listen. 

Volunteer in Mission Groups

Hey! If you have an idea for a community project, let us know. 

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