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How you can donate and help OUR Church

 "God made us disciples of Jesus so that we can give ourselves away!" says one of our members.


We encourage joyful giving, only!  Members give of their time through prayers, listening, volunteering, and sharing our lives with tears and laughter. 

We also organize ourselves to give leadership to worship planning, nursing home ministry, and other ministries of compassion in our church and in our community through the food bank, preschool and through our global United Methodist Church.  We have supported our missionaries, pastors and sister churches in Angola, and helped them build poultry industries that provide eggs to about 600 children on Saturday and Sunday mornings. 


Giving is just another expression of what we believe is true: 

"God is good.  All of the time, God is good!"

ways you can donate:



We collect an offering each week during Sunday worship. 

Giving is between you and God.


We are still working on this!


Coming Soon!


Send checks to:
Financial Secretary
PO Box 487 Chester, MT 59522

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